Thursday, July 30, 2009

today i sent my valentines packages to my grandkids. it was so fun. i love the dollar store. i hope they like their gifts.i love holidays because they give you something to look forward to. bye

1 comment:

Gail said...

Mom. thank you soooo much for the treat bags for the kids! They were so excited to get a package from you and Grandpa! I loved how Elise said "Grandma and Grandpa are the BEST!" Elise made you a couple of Valentine's so as soon as I get some stamps I will send them your way! Since you took care of the goodies I got the girls some cute socks, a little cup, and a new toothbrush. Easton also got a new toothbrush, Buzz Lightyear sippie cups, and Cars bubble bath. Target had all their Vday stuff on sale so I ended up re-doing the kids bathroom in cute heart stuff. Can't wait for you to see it! Love you, miss you, and thanks again!